Earning for Lego

Chapter 1- How it all began

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named  Myra. She was very disciplined. She used to help her parents a lot and earned well deserved  money. She always wanted one thing. That was.....Lego. And  not just any Lego, but the biggest one in the world.
At that time, the biggest  one was the Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon. That costed 15,000 rupees, which is a LOT. She set a goal  of earning 1000 rupees per year, so by the time she was 20, she will  have the set! But she has to work hard because she is only 5 years old! She Decided to divide her work so that she does not earn all the money in 1st month and stays lazy for the rest of the years.

Chapter 2- 5 years are finally over!

Myra had a whiteboard and made a chart on how much she will earn on each task. The first 5 years went a little tough for her. She was used to earning 200 rupees and spending them on Lego- not sets, but Lego mini figures. But then, she had to earn 15,000! However, she controlled herself  and managed to get her first 500 rupees of her budget. All she spent out of her first  5,000 rupees was 2 rupees on a toffee, and earned them back with ease. 

 Chapter 3-10 years!

It has now been a decade since Myra has been collecting money and now she is 15 years old! Spending small amounts is not her thing now. On her 10th birthday, she thought: hmm, what if I collect 2000 rupees per year and get the set 5 years in advance? It would be a shorter waiting time! And now, on her 15th birthday, she has 15,000 rupees!!!! The day had finally come, to get the set of her dreams!! Her parents took her to the Lego store and something on the display caught her eyeđź‘€. It was a bigger set, it was called the Roman Colosseum, which had released the same day! She was sad that she won't be able to get the set after all, but at least she would have the second biggest set in the world. When she went to get the box of the Millennium Falcon, she saw that the price tag said that it costed 10,000 rupees! Just then a thought came in to her mind. What if.........aha! She was correct. The new set , the biggest set, costed 15,000 rupees! She was enthralled by the thought she could get the biggest set of the world, after all.


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